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Jason Lawrence

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What I Think About Relationships

First of all I think it should be said that each person has their own particular way of assessing life so here is the way I see it as far as my personal interests or involvement with
other people goes.
Well, I guess I'm actually interested in almost everybody! I like people. I enjoy true friendships! I search for the kind of relationships that are interesting, productive, fruitful & educational. I think a lot of dilemmas can probably be resolved with just a little bit of human kindness, mutual love & respect, brotherly kindness & a good open-ended discussion of sharing ideas about how we can find solutions to problems instead of bolstering our egos by attacking & belittling one another!
I like to be close with my friends & family! I enjoy social exchanges with sincere, honest expression - not shallow, superficial, empty words which have no real significant meaning! (Although a good since of humor & kidding-around a little bit with each other is always a welcomed ice-breaker!) It's important to me that there is some redeeming value in a relationship. That there is something meaningful in the relationship or friendship, otherwise it isn't worth the effort of maintaining it. A solid relationship takes personal effort & sometimes we've got to be willing to work at it a little bit in order to consolidate the future. If its worth anything at all, it will cost you something. It takes effort to keep your friends. I believe you must show your love not only with your words, but with meaningful actions as well! I believe a person has got to be willing to go the extra mile sometimes & momentarily put aside their own wants & desires in order to make the other person know that you are there for them & you are reliable, that you can be counted on no matter what!
I like people who can show the world around them that they have enough self-respect, self-esteem & integrity to not be ashamed of the way they are & who is willing to stand up when the moment comes & say, that's what I believe! My closest friends are folks who have got some convictions about what they think & what they want to do with their lives! Sometimes folks ask me what I think is the most appealing attribute in a woman?
Honestly, I think every woman is beautiful! Some women are just naturally beautiful! They don't need to add a thing to their looks, they are perfect just as they are! These kind of girls usually don't even know how lovely they truly are! I also think a woman needs to know that she is doing everything she can physically to be attractive & believes that deep within herself she is beautiful in some special way! That she has something to offer the world around her! That there is a certain amount of mystery about her that keeps you coming back for more! Of course a women's physical body always holds a certain amount of attraction to us men, but I think it's really the eyes that have it for me! I'm a sucker for the eyes! As far as I'm concerned that little sparkle & glimmer you see when a girl looks at you & wants to let you know that there is something more about her than what you see on the surface! That's really what keeps my interest & intrigues me & keeps me coming back around! There's just something sort of there that I can fall in to when I look into her eyes! And I know I'm in love with it! Yet, there are also other women who may not necessarily have everything perfectly together in the physical but they do have that certain female pureness & inner beauty about them that entices you & makes you want to be around them. They have a certain glow about them that comes from the soul, from deep inside somewhere! Its something divine! I call it the kiss of God! I think if girls like this would just simply work a little more at allowing that inner light to shine more for all of us, we would naturally embrace them with our warmest greetings by letting them know how much we appreciate the comfort & love we feel when being with them.
So, as far as I'm concerned, most people have something wonderful to offer the other & sometimes it just takes a little tender loving to bring these precious characteristics to the surface in our relationships! I think we need to have faith in the God who created us by showing our friends & loved ones our love through our honest actions & deepest loyalty!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jonas, How breath taking your words are...You are still that beautiful person I meet in Paris 35 years ago..A time I will never forget..